Holy stratosphere Batman I found some super awesome homeschool resources this evening. One of my bestest buds (Shannon to the rest of the world, but to me she's my Shan-noon) and partner in the beast of homeschooling. We scour the southeast for quality and entertaining homeschooling venues which aren't necessarily one in the same. We have been known to intentionally waste an entire Saturday at a creepy homeschool/unschool conference just for the laughs and blog fodder. Check out her take right over there to your right at Front Porch Ramblings.
Shannon and I have been through the good, the bad and the ugly together. We both pulled our chitin's out of public education around the same time and have a similar philosophy on child-rearing (although she might say I got an extra dash of liberal). So we buddy up and go to home school conferences, workshops, open houses, groups and book fairs together. I figure we can yes and amen together for the good groups and snicker and gather blog material together if the group is a little scary.
Tonight we went to a new to us group. It was one of the rare homeschooling home runs. The speaker was Marybeth Whalen http://marybethwhalen.blogspot.com Check out http://ebeth.typepad.com/reallearning Elizabeth Foss whose stinking right on (if your not Catholic just ignore the sidebars, but if you are Catholic well then party on). Also for a sweet magazine deal check out http://www.proverbs31.org/p31womanmagazine/P31WomanMagazine.php or a free daily http://www.proverbs31.org/dailydevotions/subscribe.php
This afternoon when talking to some casual friends I got the QUESTION for the 7,903,928 time this week. "So how long are you gonna do that" referring to homeschool. AHHHH, just the way that question is phrased and the emphasis on that. Like it's illegal. It's not like I am running a cigarette smuggling ring supporting international terrorism or selling narcotics on the corner. I've come up with a few questions of my own I'll ask someone who asks me the homeschool duration question. But I really could use some more ammunition.....whatcha got
"Yes, I plan on doing "that" as long as you plan on buying into the fantasy that public school is the answer to your messed up child doing dope behind the bleachers." I'm just sayin'! How about "How long do you plan on teaching your kids that there is only one way to learn then throwing them into the adult working world where they have to think for themselves and come up with a new way of learning." It's like the question I always get about "Don't I know what causes that?" when referring to the number of kids I have. With which I reply, "no, I skipped that day in health class in public school". Should've been homeschooled!
ReplyDeleteI love ya girl! Hang in there! God Bless ya!