Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey day surprises me. I love my family. Really love them and all the quirkiness that makes us...well us. Some of my most favorite memories from this year.

1. My aunt Gracia's contagious laugh. She worked and served others all day changing diapers, cleaning up bodily fluids, feeding and comforting the less fortunate (it's her job). She shows up to Thanksgiving 2 hours late with a smile on her face and a warm hug for all and dotes on my children by playing games and kissing them with pure love (Jake and Simi won't take that from anyone else :). I can't think of a more giving person.

2. My aunt Janelle's spunk. Good gracious is this woman a spit fire. She's got something to say about anything but what I saw most was a woman devoted and respectful to her sometimes high need hubby. She made everyone watch Home Alone because that's what my Jake wanted. And the woman loves her family like no other.

3. My grandmother's knowledge. The woman could talk to you about anything....I mean ANYTHING. She's beyond well read, well traveled and well spoken. But the cool thing is she cares more about the things you are interested in and chooses to talk about those things.

4. My second cousin Sean has served his country, travels the world and has read every book (even those currently out of print). He's been everywhere including most recently Europe for 2 months...just got back. Hiked every mountain, been down every trail, and never met a stranger. My I also mention he's a puzzle wizard.

My family is unselfish, engaging, loyal, crazy intellegent, accepting, and hysterical. I am a blessed woman.

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