Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monday night fun

Johnson Family Fun
Monday nights are the stuff.

Nice git-up, huh. Cheap Target bathing suit and expensive cowgirl' boots. Priorities.
FYI  - in Simi's world: rain storm = bathing suit.
"This is my shot Mister.
Get your own paparazzi."
"Mom lets make funny faces together"
"Holy Nanny, your tongue is RED Mommy."

"Yes, Peach, that's what happens after drinking a strawberry Daiquiri"
Boys can't be bothered with taking 10,000 photos of funny faces. They are much too cerebral for that.
My little grand master.
The game was intense and when the game gets intense Mom gets to make one move. Any move. I don't know a darn about chess thus it's usually a fatal move for one of the opponents. Tonight it was to Eagle's benefit because I can't tell the difference between a queen and knight.
Devil Dog. After I told him what was going to happen to some personal parts he holds dear the next morning.
"oohf, that doesn't sound good."

I would like to marry this camera.


  1. I LOVE IT!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL :) Those pics are timeless and exquisite :)

  2. Beautimous!!! Love the bathing suit/cowboy boot look! Hope you saved me a daquiri!


Thanks for your input :)